Bio FUE or FUE Enhance

This technique is utilised where we are dealing with thinning hairs in areas other than where transplant needs to be done. This not only optimizes growth rate for transplanted hairs; it also helps stop the hair fall and boost the thickness and growth of thinning hairs.

What is Bio- FUE or FUE Enhance

In this method it is not just care during the transplant but before and after it as well. BIO-FUE or FUE ENAHNCE works on the principle of PLATLET RICH PLASMA (PRP). In PRP advantage is taken out of the fact that our own blood has lot of healing and growth stimulating properties. It increases survival of hair follicles, stimulates early growth and increases success of procedure with better outcome.

For PRP we employ most precise method of separation which has been refined at every step. This includes special centrifuge machine, soft spin and hard spin, standardized protocols followed by our blood bank (USFDA & American guidelines for blood products)  to get the most out of each PRP procedure.

Extra Advantages of FUE- Enhance

Extended care- In Bio-FUE, we nourish the scalp and grafts before, during and after the hair transplant procedure. We follow following scheduling

  1. PRP before Hair Transplant- This is done 7-30 days prior to your transplant and covers the recipient area as well as the area of thinning hairs.
  2. PRP during Hair Transplant- This PRP is used to hold your grafts while they are not yet implanted
  3. PRP after Hair transplant- This is done at one month intervals after the hair transplant to boost up the growth of newly planted hairs as well as other thinning hairs.

This leads to more dense hairs- not just in the transplant area but also in surrounding area of thinning of hairs and reduction in hair fall.

Relief from excessive hair fall- This is almost always seen as first effect of PRP therapy.

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