Facts about Acne Vulgaris (Pimples)

Facts about Acne Vulgaris (Pimples)

Acne is something most of us have experienced at one time or another. It is most prevalent during adolescence because hormonal changes stimulate the oil glands to produce more oil, causing acne. Occurrence or aggravation of acne in later life may occur with hormonal imbalance, weight gain, use of oil-based products and stress.

What causes acne?

Acne occurs when the excess oil produced by
oil glands is trapped in tiny pores of skin causing
a plug. This plug creates a whitehead or blackhead.
In both cases, the bacteria,

P. acnes, thrives in the clogged follicles. When
the bacteria and pus leak from the follicle
into the surrounding tissue, pimples are formed.
Increased hormones in body may be underlying
cause in adult patients with acne.

What is the role of diet?

Recent studies have an association of diet with acne.
Certain food with high glycemic index and milk,
dairy products and western diet may exacerbate acne.

How is it treated?

Your doctor will determine the severity of your acne and may select one or more treatments that are best for you. The basic steps of acne control may include topical antibacterials and antibiotics, oral antibiotics, comedolytics, oil reducing products, face wash etc. If you have developed complications like pigmentation or scars doctor may suggest skin polishing, chemical peels, microneedle therapy, light and laser treatment etc. if your doctor suspects
any underlying problem e.g. PCOD then you may need to do some tests.

Common myths about acne

“Blackheads are dirt”; “only teens have acne”; “it will just go away by itself, “its due to oily food”; its due to non-veg or spicy food, acne is caused by increased body heat, hot foods like mango leads to acne etc are the common myths about acne.

Dos and Dont’s


Wash your face twice daily
Use mild cleanser or consult doctor for proper face for your skin type
Be gentle on your skin
Use non abrasive cleanser
Use preferably lukewarm water for washing your face
Shampoo regularly. If you have dandruff, medicated antidandruff shampoo should be used.
Avoid dairy products, include high fibre diet.
Avoid stressful situations.
Take proper sleep and do regular exercise.
Avoid overexposure to sun and use proper sunscreen according to your skin type. Water based one if you have oily skin and oil based one if you dry skin.
Follow the skin care advice given by your doctor and do complete course of medicines and keep patience as acne take time show improvement.


Don’t srub your skin and avoid abrasive cleansers.
Don’t break your pimples and don’t pick them.
Don’t use over the counter or advertised products without doctors advice.
Don’t share your medicines with friends.
Don’t try any home remedies like mulatni mati, chandan paste or curd etc.
Don’t treat your acne in beauty parlour as its medical condition and needs proper treatment by qualified person.
Don’t stop medicines without asking doctor or don’t use them beyond suggested period.
And don’t suffer the embarrassment of your acne, consult your doctoe as everyones skin is different, needs different treatment and virtually every case of acne can be treated successfully.

Complications of acne

Acne if not treated in time can lead to pigmentation, scarring (pits), and uneven skin and spoil your face.
Apart from cosmetic complications acne can lead to depression, psychological disturbance, and social inhibition, low self esteem and stress in relationship.
By treating them at early stage one can avoid all these.

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